Well, my car only needed a new battery. I'm thankful that it did not need anything more than a battery b/c that would have been yet another unplanned expense.

Other good news… It seems as though my new furniture will be delivered soon. Now I just need to figure out what to do with the old furniture. Also, it seems as though most of my friends have had their power restored and the number of people without power has gone down by quite a bit here in Orlando. Power is still out in areas with massive tree carnage and some other niceties such as phone and internet/cable service need to be restored, but the power is back.

The Orlando area is beginning to return to normal, people have piled their debris by the road, most of the traffic signals are working, more gas stations are getting power, therefore are becoming able to pump gas and the supermarkets are receiving food.

Hopefully I will soon have some pictures posted however, I've had several longer days and therefore, not enough time at the computer to crop and post my pictures.
